Terrachidia’s greatest asset is its team
Management team

Marta Colmenares Fernández
Architect, Master in Urban Planning: Urban Studies and specialist in Cooperation for the Development of Human Settlements in the Third World from UNESCO Chair at thePolytechnic University of Madrid. She worked for more than 15 years on architecture and urban planning, and has been involved with development projects since 2007. She has been Invited Lecturer in several international seminars and conferences.

Carmen Moreno Adán
Architect, Master in Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage, and Specialist in Cooperation for the Development of Human Settlements, at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. She is professor in the Department of Architectural Composition, at the Alfonso X El Sabio University. She has been invited lecturer in several international seminars and conferences, and focuses her professional activity on the recovery and restoration of public spaces and buildings in traditional cities. She is a member of the LabOasis Foundation steering committee.

Raquel Peña López
Architect, Specialist in Cooperation for the Development of Human Settlements in the Third World from UNESCO Chair at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and Master in Exhibition Design and Management from European University of Madrid. She was Intern at Architecture and Construction Unit of the United Nations in New York. She has been linked for more than ten years to Architects without Borders, working in cooperation for development projects in board positions and also coordinating the awareness area.

Oriol Domínguez Martínez
Architect specialized in the preservation of architectural heritage, with specific training on structural analysis and an extensive professional experience in Europe, North America, South America and Africa. Strongly linked to academia, with teaching experience in Spanish universities and as a lecturer en several national and international institutions.

Alejandro García Hermida
PhD Architect and Master in Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage. Associate Professor in the Department of Architectural Composition of the School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He has dedicated his professional activity to traditional architecture and construction, and to the restoration and study of architectural heritage. He is Executive Director of the Richard H. Driehaus Initiatives in Spain and Portugal, member of the Board of Directors of the NGO Terrachidia and Vice President of INTBAU Spain.

Lucía Alcántara Reina
Architect by the Polytechnic University of Madrid and Master in Bioconstruction Project Management. Her professional work is linked to development cooperation projects, urban and housing rehabilitation with social and environmental sustainability at the centre: using participatory methodologies of analysis, design and construction, adopting solutions that learn from vernacular architectures.

Ángela Calvo García
Architect by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid with a year of training at Yildiz Teknik Üniversitesi, Istanbul, and Posgraduate as expert in Mediterranean Societies: Citizenship and Sociopolitical Changes in the Mediterranean by the University of Valencia.
Passionate about Heritage and Folklore. In constant training, she works in Architecture and Urban Planning as well as in educational and cultural dynamisation projects.

Rebeca Gómez-Gordo Villa

Hajar Karmane

Corinne López

Susana Oses
Local Counterparts

Mr. Abdelatif
Ich Oasis

Khalifa M’harzi
M’hamid Oasis

Abdelkader Laarija
M’hamid Oasis
In addition to the hundreds of people who participate in our workshops, there are many more who support the project from around the world.
Abdelkader Laarija. M’hamid, Morocco.
Abdullah El Karoumi. M’hamid, Morocco.
Khalifa Mharzi. M’hamid, Morocco.
Abdeslama Kouider, M’hamid, Morocco.
Moha Ait Baha. M’hamid, Morocco.
Hajar Karmane, Architect, Rabat, Morocco
Yasmine El Majzoub, Architect. Beirut, Lebanon.
Natalia Zhuravkova, Architect. Moscow, Russia.
Ahmed Fareed, Architect. Cairo, Egypt.
Lucho Dávila, Photograph. Madrid, Spain.
Carmen Bueno, Illustrator. Madrid, Spain.
Paula Nevado, Communication. Madrid, Spain.
Aziz Sahrawi. M’hamid, Morocco.
Hassan Ait El Caid, Tamnougalt, Morocco.
Bhanupratap Sharma, Architect. Ahmedabad, India.
Mohit Kapoor, Architect. Delhi, India.
Giamila Quattrone, Architect. Liverpool, UK.

transparency and integrity
In Terrachidia we promote transparency, accountability and integrity
Strategic plan 2020-25
Equality pla
2018-20 report and balance sheets
Code of conduct