terrachidia NGO


oasis campus




  • Terrachidia is a project aimed at protecting and revitalizing cultural heritage.
  • We work in areas under threat of depopulation and climate change. These are places that run the risk of disappearing altogether, and their memory along with them.
  • We work in historical centers and rural enclaves, where the architecture, the inhabitants, and the environment form an unbreakable triad. We protect cultural landscapes.


  • We believe that heritage is not merely a legacy from the past but an essential tool for the future, given its unquestionable educational and social value, its great economic potential, and its significance to international cooperation.
  • Cultural diversity expands the range of possibilities for societies and enriches human values and abilities.
  • Heritage has been, is, and will continue to be one of the most important bridges between cultures.
Desarrollo sostenible


  • By revitalizing the memory of places and restoring their architecture, their landscape and their cultural traditions.
  • By working arm-in-arm with local populations.
  • By creating social and economic fabrics that understand, value, and commit to their cultural and natural resources.
  • In our intervention projects we work with local master builders with extensive experience in traditional architecture and building techniques, who become essential parts of the project.

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Summary 2023

Summary 2023

We are leaving behind 2023, a very intense year for Terrachidia. We have continued our work in M'hamid El Ghizlane, with more enthusiasm than ever thanks to the collaboration of the community of these twelve villages that are now family. In 2024, we will continue to...

Earthquake in Morocco

Earthquake in Morocco

Our sincerest condolences to all the afected families. Within Terrachidia, we have received with great sorrow the news of the recent earthquake that has shaken Morocco, which has caused extensive devastation and loss of life. At these sad and concerning moments, we...

Workshop School and Restoration of the M’hamid Mosque in Morocco

Workshop School and Restoration of the M’hamid Mosque in Morocco

Project description The mosque is the most important public building in the ksar and in the entire oasis. Dating back to the 13th-century, historically it served a religious function, but it was also a place where people would meet and exchange knowledge. Over the...